Selasa, 18 Desember 2012

makalh kesenian kediri


Ragam kesenian di daerah  kabupaten Kediri tentunya tidak lepas dari sejarah kerajaan Kediri. Kesenian yang ada misalnya seni jaranan dan kethek ogleng. Kesenian jaranan menyuguhkan berbagai atraksi menarik yang mampu membangkitkan rasa takjub masyarakat yang menonton. Atraksi gerak pemain juga diiringi dengan gamelan dan diselingi dengan unsur magis yang membuat ksenian ini layak untuk ditonton. Di Kabupaten Kediri terdapat beberapa jenis kesenian jaranan yaitu seperti Jaranan Sentewere, Jaranan Pegon, Jaranan Dor dan Jaranan Jowo.
Jaranan jowo merupakan salah satu kesenian jaranan yang mengandung unsur magisdalam tariannya.Dimana pada puncaknya penari atau pemain akan mengalami trance (kesurupan) dan melakukan aksi berbahaya di luar akal manusia. Sedangkan jaranan dor, jaranan sentewere dan jaranan pegon mengedepankan kreatifitas gerak dengan iringan gamelan yang dinamis. Jaranan sentewere merupakan jaranan yang digemari oleh masyarakat karena dalam penampilannya diiringi hiburan lagu-lagu yang bernada diatonis. Seluruh kesenian di kabupaten Kediri berada dibawah naungan Paguyupan Seni Jaranan  (PASJAR) Kabupaten Kediri. Akan tetapi, pakem jaranan ini mengalami kendala, karena hampir di setiap daerah di Kediri terdapat kesenian ini, terutama daerah disekitar kediri tetapi berbeda gerakannya.
 Selain itu, kesenian kethek ogleng tidak kalah menariknya. Kesenian ini di ambil dari kisah asmara Panji Asmarabangun dan Dewi Kilisuci. Akan tetapi kesenian kethek ogleng ini hampir punah. Bagi komunitas Kediri nama Guntur sudah tidak asing lagi. Menurut Guntur, tari Kethek Ogleng sudah ada sejak puluhan tahun yang lalu. Tari ini mengalami masa puncak pada era 70-an. Seiring berjalannya waktu, tari Kethek Ogleng perlahan-lahan mulai jarang ditampilkan. Pada era 90-an kegemaran masyarakat dan seniman mulai bergeser. Mereka lebih suka memainkan jaranan dengan alasan karena gerakan dan musiknya lebih sederhana. Tidak heran bila saat ini warga Kediri lebih mengenal jaranan sebagai seni khas Kediri dibandingkan Kethek Ogleng.
1.      Bagaimana sejarah kesenian jaranan di Kabupaten Kediri ?
2.      Apa saja pakem yang ada di jaranan ?
3.      Mengapa dalam jaranan terjadi perebutan pengaruh ?
4.      Bagaimana sejarah kesenian kethek ogleng di Kabupaten Kediri ?

1.       Mengetahui sejarah kesenian jaranan di Kabupaten Kediri.
2.      Mengetahui pakem-pakem yang ada di jaranan.
3.      Mengetahui alasan terjadi perebutan pengaruh dalam jaranan.
4.      Mengetahui sejarah kesenian kethek ogleng di Kabupaten Kediri.


I.            SEJARAH
Seni Jaranan itu mulai muncul sejak abad ke 10 Hijriah. Tepatnya pada tahun 1041 atau bersamaan dengan kerajaan Kahuripan dibagi menjadi 2 yaitu yaitu bagian timur Kerajaan Jenggala dengan ibukota Kahuripan dan sebelah Barat Kerajaan Panjalu atau Kediri dengan Ibukota Dhahapura.
Raja Airlangga memiliki seorang putri yang bernama Dewi Sangga Langit. Dia adalah orang kediri yang sangat cantik. Pada waktu banyak sekali yang melamar, maka dia mengadakan sayembara. Pelamar-pelamar Dewi Songgo Langit semuanya sakti. Mereka sama-sama memiliki kekuatan yang tinggi. Dewi Songgo Langit sebenarnya tidak mau menikah dan dia Ingin menjadi petapa saja. Prabu Airlangga memaksa Dewi Songgo Langit Untuk menikah. Akhirnya dia mau menikah dengan satu permintaan. Barang siapa yang bisa membuat kesenian yang belum ada di Pulau Jawa dia mau menjadi suaminya.
Ada beberapa orang yang ingin melamar Dewi Songgo Langit. Diantaranya adalah Klono Sewandono dari Wengker, Toh Bagus Utusan Singo Barong Dari Blitar, kalawraha seorang adipati dari pesisir kidul, dan 4 prajurit yang berasal dari Blitar. Para pelamar bersama-sama mengikuti sayembara yang diadakan oleh Dewi Songgo Langit. Mereka berangkat dari tempatnya masing-masing ke Kediri untuk melamar Dewi Songgo Langit.
Dari beberapa pelamar itu mereka bertemu dijalan dan bertengkar dahulu sebelum mengikuti sayembara di kediri. Dalam peperangan itu dimenangkan oleh Klana Sewandono atau Pujangganom. Dalam peperangan itu Pujangganom menang dan Singo Ludoyo kalah. Pada saat kekalahan Singo Ludoyo itu rupanya singo Ludoyo memiliki janji dengan Pujangganom. Singa Ludoyo meminta jangan dibunuh. Pujangganom rupanya menyepakati kesepakatan itu. Akan tetapi Pujangganom memiliki syarat yaitu Singo Barong harus mengiring temantenya dengan Dewi Sangga Langit ke Wengker.
Iring-iringan temanten itu harus diiringi oleh jaran-jaran dengan melewati bawah tanah dengan diiringi oleh alat musik yang berasal dari bambu dan besi. Pada jaman sekarang besi ini menjadi kenong. Dan bambu itu menjadi terompet dan jaranan.
Dalam perjalanan mengiringi temantenya Dewi Songgo Langit dengan Pujangganom itu, Singo Ludoyo beranggapan bahwa dirinya sudah sampai ke Wengker, tetapi ternyata dia masih sampai di Gunung Liman. Dia marah-marah pada waktu itu sehingga dia mengobrak-abrik Gunung Liman itu dan sekarang tempat itu menjadi Simoroto. Akhirnya sebelum dia sampai ke tanah Wengker dia kembali lagi ke Kediri. Dia keluar digua Selomangklung. Sekarang nama tempat itu adalah selomangkleng.
Karena Dewi Sonmggo Langit sudah diboyong ke Wengker oleh Puijangganom dan tidak mau menjadi raja di Kediri, maka kekuasaan Kahuripan diberikan kepada kedua adiknya yang bernama Lembu Amiluhut dan Lembu Amijaya. Setelah Sangga Langit diboyong oleh Pujangganom ke daerah Wengker Bantar Angin, Dewi Sangga Langit merubah nama tempat itu menjadi Ponorogo Jaranan muncul di kediri itu hanya untuk menggambarkan boyongnya dewi Songgo langit dari kediri menuju Wengker Bantar Angin. Pada saat boyongan ke Wengker, Dewi Sangga Langit dan Klana Sewandana dikarak oleh Singo Barong. Pengarakan itu dilakukan dengan menerobos dari dalam tanah sambil berjoget. Alat musik yang dimainkan adalah berasal dari bambu dan besi. Pada jaman sekarang besi ini menjadi kenong.
Untuk mengenang sayembara yang diadakan oleh Dewi Songgo Langit dan Pernikahanya dengan Klana Sewandono atau Pujangga Anom inilah masyarakat kediri membuat kesenian jaranan. Sedangkan di Ponorogo Muncul Reog. Dua kesenian ini sebenarnya memiliki akar historis yang hampir sama. Seni jaranan ini diturunkan secara turun temurun hingga sekarang ini.
Dalam pengamatan Desa baru-baru ini, Pemda Kota Kediri tengah berusaha membuat pakem resmi jaranan khas Kota Kediri, yang nanti akan dijadikan simbol identitas. Menurut keterangan beberapa pejabat setempat, proyek ini memang diusung Dinas Pariwisata, Dewan Kesenian Kota Kediri (DK3), dan rencananya melibatkan para sejarawan Kediri.
“Program Dinas Pariwisata untuk tahun ini dan satu tahun mendatang adalah mencari pakem jaranan terlebih dahulu. Karena itu kita sedang melakukan pengembangan dan pembimbingan pada jaranan-jaranan yang ada di Kediri,” ujar Guntur, salah satu pejabat Dinas Pariwisata di Kediri yang terlibat dalam proyek ini. Adapun pembimbingan yang dimaksud Guntur tak lain adalah tampilnya seniman-seniman jaranan di Taman Wisata Selomankleng yang secara rutin diagendakan setiap Minggu.
Pakemisasi saat ini, memang jadi agenda penting pemda Kota Kediri, entah atas nama pelestarian atau pembentukan identitas kota. Sejarahwan, seniman dan para sesepuh Kota Tahu itu rencananya akan dikerahkan untuk mendukung program itu menyusul disepakatinya jaranan sebagai simbol identitas. Mereka mulai menggali data-data kesenian jaranan, sejarah jaranan di sungai Brantas, asal-usulnya zaman pra Islam, sampai mencari akar sejarah kota Kediri yang katanya masih dalam perdebatan.
Tapi susahnya, jaranan di Kediri tidak hanya berbilang, tapi bermacam-macam pula. Bukan hanya tak mudah bahkan hampir mustahil mencari akar yang asli dan tunggal di tengah macam-macam jaranan itu. Belum lagi kesenian jaranan, yang seiring dengan perubahan zaman, juga terus berusaha memperbarui diri, menyesuaikan dengan kebutuhan komunitasnya.      
Penuturan Mbah Ketang ini mungkin baik untuk kita simak.
 Seniman Jaran Kepang di tiga zaman ini berkat bahwa gerakan joget pada jaranan punya banyak pakem. “Kalau jaranan Wijaya Putra itu punya 24 macam, Sanjoyo Putro 24 gerakan, Joyoboyo 14 gerakan, dan Ronggolawe hanya 5 hingga 6 gerakan,” ujarnya. Nah, bila demikian alangkah sulitnya mencari pakem tunggal dalam jaranan.
Belum lagi bila masing-masing kelompok jaranan punya pakem yang menjadi bagian dari ritual dan warisan leluhur yang tidak bisa dirubah atau dikombinasikan dengan yang baru. Dua komunitas jaranan, Wijaya Putra dan Sanjaya Putra, bisa menjadi contoh. Mbah Ketang bercerita, Pakem bagi dua komunitas ini harus selalu digunakan pada saat-saat pertunjukan. Baru setelah pakem itu usai tampil, jaranan baru atau hasil kombinasi bisa dipertunjukkan. Bagi Sanjaya dan Wijaya meninggalkan pakem berarti menghilangkan naluri jaranan dan menghina tinggalan leluhur. Dalam pandangan mereka, yang bisa berubah hanya peralatannya, bukan pakemnya.
Lain Wijaya Putra, lain pula Jayabaya Putra. Komunitas terakhir ini selalu mengkreasi jaranan yang hendak tampil dengan yang baru, atau paling tidak menggabungkan antara yang tradisional dengan yang modern. Alasan mereka karena masyarakat menginginkannya. Misalnya lagu-lagunya dicampur dengan iringan musik samroh ataupun dangdut, yang biasanya lalu ditambah unsur sinden, alat musik drum dan keyboard. Jadi selera pasarlah yang menjadi acuan di sini. Hal yang sama juga dilakukan Jaranan Ranggalawe, yang mengedepankan keindahan tarian jaranan.

Di samping pakemisasi yang menyisakan sejumlah problem seperti standar apa yang dipakai, oleh siapa, pakem mana yang layak dan mana yang harus disingkirkan serta berbagai seleksi yang melibatkan banyak kepentingan, beberapa komunitas jaranan di Kediri kini mulai berupaya saling berebut pengaruh. Kalau para seniman selama ini hanya bersaing memperebutkan penonton, di antaranya melalui perang tarif, dan melibatkan persaingan antara jaranan yang dikelola para “bos” dan jaranan paguyuban, tampaknya para seniman jaranan kini sedang berebut sesuatu yang lain. Mereka beramai-ramai mencari peluang agar jaranan miliknya yang diakui. Jaranan model pegon, senterewe, maupun dor saling berkompetisi, mendeklarasikan miliknya sebagai yang paling patut dijadikan pakem.
Beberapa seniman yang tergabung dalam paguyuban-paguyuban setidaknya mengaku resah. Selain harus bersaing dengan para bos pemilik jaranan, mereka juga harus melayani perang klaim, dan pada akhirnya bersaing berebut akses ke kekuasaan. “Saya merasa kasihan. Sebab saya kira jaranan yang kecil itu nanti tidak akan bisa hidup.” Begitu kata Pak Gendut yang juga anggota jaranan Wijaya Putra Kota Kediri. Nasib para seniman ini tentu akan lebih tragis, bila jaranan nantinya hendak dipakemkan dan diseragamkan.
Selain Pak Gendut, Mbah Ketang pun kini mulai risau, mengingat konsep pakemisasi pemerintah ini cenderung berbeda dengan pemilik jaranan. Pakem bentukan Dinas Pariwisata, kata Mbah Ketang, tidak berakar pada ruang batin komunitas jaranan, tetapi sekadar untuk kepentingan industri pariwisata, yang keuntungannya pun belum tentu benar akan dinikmati komunitas seniman.
 Dinas Pariwisata dan DK3 terus berusaha mendekati para seniman agar proyek pembentukan identitas Kota Kediri usai tahun 2008. Mereka tampaknya tak sadar, kalau apa yang disebut “identitas asli” itu ternyata dengan susah payah “dicari” dan “dibuat”. Begitu juga “keaslian” itu sendiri yang hanya mungkin bisa ditemukan bila realitas yang beragam itu diseragamkan dalam wujud yang tunggal.

Jaranan pada jaman dahulu adalah selalu bersifat sakral. Maksudnya selalu berhubungan dengan hal-hal yang sifatnya gaib. Selain untuk tontonan dahulu jaranan juga digunakan untuk upacara-upacara resmi yang berhubungan dengan roh-roh leluhur keraton. Pada jaman kerajaan dahulu jaranan seringkali ditampilkan di keraton.
Dalam praktek sehari-harinya para seniman jaranan adalah orang-orang abangan yang masih taat kepada leluhur. Mereka masih menggunakan danyangan atau punden sebagai tenpat yang dikeramatkan. Mereka masih memiliki kepercayaan yang tinggi terhadap roh-roh nenek moyangnya. Mereka juga masih melaksanakan praktik-praktik slametan seperti halnya dilakukan oleh orang-orang dahulu.
Pada kenyataanaya seniman jaranan yang ada di kediri adalah para pekerja kasar semua. Mereka sebagian besar adalah tukang becak dan tukang kayu. Ada sebagian dari mereka yang bekerja sebagai sebagai penjual makanan ringan disepanjang jalan Bandar yang membujur dari utara ke selatan.
Cliford Geertz mengidentifikasi mereka dengan sebutan abangan. Geertz memberikan penjelasan tentang praktik abangan. Masayarakat abangan adalah suatu sekte politio-religius dimana kepoercayaan jawa asli melebur dengan Marxisme yang Nasionalistis yang memungkinkan pemeluknya sekaligus mendukung kebijakan komunisdi Indonesia. Sambil memurnikan upacara-upacara abangan dari sisa-sisa Islam (Geertz 1983).
Dalam perkembanganya kesenian jaranan mengalami pasang surut. Hal ini disebabkan kondisi social masyarakat yang sudah berubah dalam memaknai dan mengambangkan jaranan. dari tahun-ke tahun jaranan mulai berubah dari yang sifatnya tuntunan menjadi tontonan dan yang paling menarik adalah jaranan sebagai alat untuk menarik simpatisan dan untuk pengembangan pariwisata.
Jaranan pada tahun 1960-an menjadi alat politik PKI untuk menopang kekuasaanya dan menarik masa. Pada tahun-tahun itu kebijakan Sukarno tentang Nasakom sangat mempengaruhi keberadaan lembaga-lembaga yang ada di bawah. Dari nasionalisme, Agama dan komunis ini, memiliki lembaga-lembaga sendiri. Kelompok itu memiliki basis kesenian sendiri-sendiri. Lekra, lesbumi dan LKN adalah lembaga kesenian yang ada di tingkat bawah.
Pada tahun itu jaranan sudah ada dan kebetulan bernaung dibawah pengawasan Lekra. Jaranan pada saat itu sudah sangat digemari masyarakat. Bahkan dikediri pada saat itu sudah berdiri beberapa kelompok jaranan. kelompok jaranan ini banyak digawangi oleh orang-orang yang berada di lembaga kesenian. Dari ketiga lembaga kesenian yang ada, semuanya memiliki kesenian sendiri-sendiri yang sesuai dengan misinya masing-masing.
Pada tahun 60 an itu masing-masing kelompok jaranan berkontestasi dengan sehat. Walaupun mereka berasal dari lembaga kesenian yang berbeda, tapi pada saat itu mereka masih bisa berbagi ruang dan berkontestasi. Mereka saling mendukung dan mengembangkan kreatifitasnya dalam berkesenian. Jaranan pada saat itu masih tampil dengan polos sekali. Pemainya hanya mengenakan celana kombor dan tanpa make up. Tidak ada batas antara pemain, penabuh dan penonton. Mereka sama-sama berada di tanah. Mereka bisa saling tukar main antara satu dengan lainya. Berbeda dengan jaman jepang pada yang masih menggunakan goni sebagai pakaiannya. Pada tahun-tahun 60an jaranan bisa tampil vulgar di manapun dia berada.
Pada tahun 1965 terjadi peristiwa pembersihan dari kalangan agamawan kepada kelompok-kelompok abangan. Pembersihan ini dilakukan tas kerjasamama Negara dengan kaum agamawan. Akibat dari pembersihan itu masyarakat abangan yang ada di Kediri pada saat itu sempat kocar-kacir. Terlebih pada orang-orang yang memang bergelut di lembaga PKI ataupun pernah terlibat.
Orang-orang yang terlibat sebagai anggota partai komunis dibunuh. Para seniman-seniman yang berada dibawah PKI yaitu Lekra dihabisi semua. Danyangan dan beberapa punden banyak yang dirusak. Bahkan patung-patung dan arca yang sekarang berada di museum Airlangga terlihat banyak yang hancur. Ini adalah akibat pertikaian politik 1965. segala property yang berhubungan dengan tradisi orang abangan dimusnahkan. Termasuk didalamnya adalah jaranan.
Setelah kejadian berdarah tahun 1965 itu jaranan yang dahulu adalah kesenian yang sangat dibangggakan masyarakat hilang seketika. Jaranan adalah representasi dari kaum abangan yang mencoba untuk memberikan eksistensi dirinya pada kesenian. Mereka benar-benar mengalami trauma yang berkepanjangan. Sehingga kesenian jaranan pada paska 65 mundur. Kondisi politik 65 ini telah membawa jaranan pada titik kemandekanya. Kecuali jaranan yang bernaung di bawah komunis aman dari pembersihan ini. Keberadaan jaranan pada saat itu juga masih relative sedikit. Trauma itu ternyata tidak dirasakan oleh orang-orang yang berasal dar lekra saja. Seniman dari lesbumi dan LKN waktu itu juga agak ketakutan untuk tampil di public. Kebanyakan dari seniman yang ada dikediri pada waktu itu juga berhenti dari kesenian untuk semantara waktu.
Pasca peristiwa berdarah itu seluruh elemen masyarakat memberikan identifikasi yang negatif terhadap kesenian jaranan. dari kalangan agamawan. Para agamawan beranggapan bahwa jaranan itu mengundang setan. Sehingga wajar jika pada saat itu para agamawan terlebih ansor menghabisi seniman-seniman yang berbau komunis di kediri.
Masyarakat tidak mau dicap merah oleh pemerintah dan kaum agamawan sebagai pengikut PKI. Akhirnya kesenian jaranan dijauhi oleh masyarakat. Pasca terjadi peristiwa berdarah tahun 1965 itu, kesenian jaranan mulai lumpuh total. Baru pada tahun 1977 jaranan mulai menggeliat lagi. Jaranan menjadi sebuah idiom baru yang tampil berbeda dengan tahun-tahun sebelumnya. Jaranan pada tahun sebelumnya banyak berafiliasi dengan komunis akan tetapi pada tahun itu jaranan mulai menggandeng militer untuk dijadikan alat untuk melindungi dirinya.

Dalam jaranan tidak heran jika ada pemain yang kesurupan atau tubuhnya dimasuki oleh makhluk halus yang biasanya sampai mengamuk. Sementara itu, terkait dengan munculnya makhluk halus yang konon selalu merasuki tubuh penari, dalam pertunjukan jaranan, menurut Hariadi pawang seni tradisional Jaranan Kelurahan Kampung Dalem, itu hanya ada di Kediri. Biasanya, kalau sudah menyatu dengan jaranan, pemain yang kerasukan mahkluk halus, agak sulit disadarkan.
Mereka, akan meminta berbagai macam makanan, seperti kemenyan, madu, dan candu. Tak jarang, ada juga yang meminta ubi, jagung, ayam, hingga kambing yang masih terdapat darahnya. Konon, ketika tubuh pemain sedang dimasuki makhluk halus, kemudian ada penonton yang mengeluarkan bunyi peluit, maka pemain tersebut akan marah dan mencari orang yang mengeluarkan suara.
Dalam aksinya, jaranan selalu membawa sebuah kesan magis. Terlihat dari make up dari penari yang tegas memberikan kesan garang dan magis. Beberapa aksesoris yang saya lihat begitu khas adalah “udeng-udeng” yang dipakai di kepala dan “krincing” yang dipakai di kaki.
I.                   SEJARAH
Apa yang membuat Kethek Ogleng menjadi kesenian khas Kediri? Guntur mengatakan sebenarnya tari tersebut berasal dari legenda Kota Kediri. Yaitu kisah percintaan Panji Asmorobangun dengan Dewi Sekartaji dalam Cerita Panji.
Raja Jenggala mempunyai seorang putri bernama Dewi Sekartaji dan Kerajaan Kediri mempunyai seorang putra bernama Raden Panji Asmorobangun. Kedua insan ini saling mencintai dan bercita-cita ingin membangun kehidupan yang harmonis dalam sebuah keluarga. Hal ini membuat keduanya tidak dapat dipisahkan.
Namun, raja Jenggala, ayahanda Dewi Sekartaji, mempunyai keinginan untuk menikahkan Dewi Sekartaji dengan pria pilihannya. Ketika Dewi Sekartaji tahu akan dinikahkan dengan laki-laki pilihan ayahandanya-yang tentunya tidak dia cintai, dia diam-diam meninggalkan Kerajaan Jenggala tanpa sepengetahuan sang ayahanda dan seluruh orang di kerajaan. Malam hari, sang putri berangkat bersama beberapa dayang menuju ke arah barat.
Di Kerajaan Kediri, Panji Asmorobangun yang mendengar berita menghilangnya Dewi Sekartaji memutuskan untuk nekad mencari Dewi Sekartaji, sang kekasih. Di perjalanan, Panji Asmorobangun singgah di rumah seorang pendeta. Di sana Panji diberi wejangan agar pergi ke arah barat dan dia harus menyamar menjadi kera. Sedangkan di lain pihak, Dewi Sekartaji ternyata telah menyamar menjadi Endang Rara Tompe.
Setelah Endang Rara Tompe naik turun gunung, akhirnya rombongan Endang Rara Tompe, yang sebenarnya Dewi Sekartaji, beristirahat di suatu daerah dan memutuskan untuk menetap di sana. Ternyata kethek penjelmaan Panji Amorobangun juga tinggal tidak jauh dari pondok Endang Rara Tompe. Maka, bersahabatlah mereka berdua. Meski tinggal berdekatan dan bersahabat, Endang Rara Tompe belum mengetahui jika kethek yang menjadi sahabatnya adalah Panji Asmorobangun, sang kekasih, begitu juga dengan Panji Asmorobangun, dia tidak mengetahui jika Endang Rara Tompe adalah Dewi Sekartaji yang selama ini dia cari.
Setelah persahabatan antara Endang Rara Tompe dan kethek terjalin begitu kuatnya, mereka berdua membuka rahasia masing-masing. Endang Rara Tompe merubah bentuknya menjadi Dewi Sekartaji, begitu juga dengan kethek sahabat Endang Rara Tompe. Kethek tersebut merubah dirinya menjadi Raden Panji Asmorobangun. Perjumpaan antara Dewi Sekartaji dan Raden Panji Asmorobangun diliputi perasaan haru sekaligus bahagia. Akhirnya, Dewi Sekartaji dan Raden Panji Asmorobangun sepakat kembali ke kerajaan Jenggala untuk melangsungkan pernikahan.
II.                PENGERTIAN
Kethek (kera) adalah binatang yang hidup di hutan bersama binatang-binatang hutan yang lain. Kethek Ogleng adalah sebuah tari yang gerakannya menirukan tingkah laku kethek (kera). Biasanya tarian ini dipentaskan pada waktu hajatan masyarakat setempat.
Tari Kethek Ogleng ini dalam mengekspresikannya menggambarkan gerak-gerik sekelompok kera putih. Dalam tarian ini terlintas ungkapan kelincahan,kebersamaan,semangat,kelucuan dan atraktif. Iringannya menggunakan instrumen gamelan jawa,alat perkusi tradisional dan penggaran olah vokal yang tetap menghadirkan rasa dan nuansa kerakyatan.


Jaranan merupakan kesenian khas Kediri. Jaranan itu yang penting adalah dimunculkan saja supaya keberadaanya tetap bisa lestari. Pada saat ini pemerintah kota kediri sedang mempelajari dan menggali kesenian jaranan yang khas Kediri. Baik itu dari segi pakaianya, jogednya maupun alat musik yang dimainkan. Tetapi susahnya, jaranan di Kediri tidak hanya berbilang, tapi bermacam-macam pula. Bukan hanya tak mudah bahkan hampir mustahil mencari akar yang asli dan tunggal di tengah macam-macam jaranan itu. Belum lagi kesenian jaranan, yang seiring dengan perubahan zaman, juga terus berusaha memperbarui diri, menyesuaikan dengan kebutuhan komunitasnya.      
Kesenian lebih disukai oleh masyarakat daripada kesenian kethek ogleng oleh sebab itu kesenian kethek ogleng di daerah Kediri hampir punah. Hal ini dikarenakan musik dan gerakannya sedehana.
  1. SARAN
Pemerintah daerah itu haruslah pandai-pandai memasarkan kesenian daerah. Jadi tidak hanya kesenian yang sudah tenar saja yang kita suruh main. Kita harus melestarikan budaya kita agar tidak punah dan tidak menyalahgunakannya.



Senin, 03 Desember 2012


           TITLE PAGE....................................................................................................................... i
           PREFACE........................................................................................................................... ii
           TABLE OF CONTENT..................................................................................................... iii
            1.1       Background......................................................................................1
            1.2       Purpose.............................................................................................2
            2.1       Definition of hepatitis disease.........................................................3
            2.2       Symptoms of hepatitis.....................................................................3
            2.3       Complication of hepatitis.................................................................4
            2.4       Preventing of hepatitis disease.........................................................6
2.5        Testing for hepatitis.........................................................................9
2.6       Breastfeeding and Viral Hepatitis..................................................10
2.7       The basics of hepatitis treatment...................................................12
            2.8       Alternative therapies......................................................................14
            2.9       The hepatitis community ..............................................................14
                        3.1       Conclusion.....................................................................................16
                        3.2       Suggestion.....................................................................................17
REFERENCE.............................................................................................................. ....18


1.1              Background
Hepatitis is a disease that includes any type of inflammation of the liver., the result of complex process that occurs when the liver suffers an injury. Medicine call the inflammation that lasts than six months acute hepatitis and inflammation that lasts longer than six months chronic hepatitis. While there are many causes of liver inflammation, clinicians divide them into two main categories, it is viral hepatitis and non infectious hepatitis.
A variety of symptomps may developed in the setting of acute or chronic liver injury. Because the liver react in different ways depending on the cause and the duration of the inflammation, and some people have symptoms and some do not ( a condition known as asymptomic), only a physician can tell you if you have hepatitis.
Hepatitis can progress to or be complicated by other diseases. Some of these disease, like fibrosis and cirrhosis are very common. Fortunately, other complication like liver failure are usually prevented.
Usually the diagnosis of hepatitis made using a combination of test. More advanced test might include using imaging technology such as ultrasound, computerized axial tomograpy (CT) scans or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) or a liver biopsy, where a doctor removes a small piece of the liver and sends it to a laboratory for further testing.
The basics of hepatitis treatment is rest, rest and more rest, interferon, other antiviral drugs, liver transplantation and new treatment. However some basics strategis, if followed will lower your risk of developing viral hepatitis vaccination, immune globulin, hand washing, how to properly wash your hands, avoid used needles, safer sex, how to properly put on a condom. Alternative therapies is treating with alternative medicine and four natural remidies that won’t cure hepatitis.
The hepatitis community consist of internet, hospital or medical center, community center, physican practice or doctor’s office, nonprofit organization or foundation and keep your medication on schedule.

1.2              Purpose
1.      To know about definition of hepatitis disease
2.      To know about symptomps of hepatitis
3.      To know about complication of hepatitis
4.      To know about preventing of hepatitis disease
5.      To know about the basics of hepatitis treatment
6.      To know about alternative therapies
7.      To know about the hepatitis community

2.1       Definition of hepatitis disease
            The simplest explanation of hepatitis is inflammation of the liver, which can be caused by viruses, medications, or toxic agents. The inflammation happens when liver cells die and the body's immune system sends in special cells that actually cause inflammation while trying to help the body repair the liver. Such inflammation may clear up on its own, or continue on as chronic inflammation.While there are many cause of liver inflammation, clinicians divide them into two main categories, it is viral hepatitis and non-infectious hepatitis.
  1. Viral Hepatitis
When most people think of hepatitis, they’re usually thinking about viral hepatitis. There are five viruses that commonly infect the liver. What makes viral hepatitis confusing is that each one of these viruses cause a slightly different type of disease and has a different way of spreading. Some of these viral infections can result in acute, chronic or both forms of hepatitis. Since these viruses spread form person to person.
  1. Non infectious Hepatitis
Not all causes of hepatitis are infectious. Chemical such as alcohol or medications can be harmful to the liver and can cause inflammation. In addition, other health problems like genetic and metabolic disorders, immune-related injury and obesity, can damage the liver and lead to inflammation.
2.2              Symptoms of Hepatitis
A variety of symptomps may developed in the setting of acute or chronic liver injury. Because the liver reacts in different ways depending on the cause and the duration of inflammation, and some people have symptoms and some do not, only a physicians can tell you if you have hepatitis.
While many people associate with jaundice, where the skin and the white of the eyes turn abnormal yellow color, because it cause by the accumulation in the blood of bilirubin a yellowish pigment in bile (which is produced in the liver). But many people will not have jaundice because not enough of yellow chemical has accumulated to a certain level in the body. Jaundice can also be detected in the mucous membranes, such as under the tongue.
Here is a list of symptoms associated with acute viral hepatitis. The big of acute viral hepatitis symptoms, that is
a)      General malaise ( a vague symptoms where feel uncomfortable and a little tired).
b)      Myalgia (muscle pain) and Arthralgia (join pain). It is last from days to weeks and more common in acute hepatitis than in chronic hepatitis.
c)      Fatigue ( extreme tiredness)
It is a common problem for hepatitis. It is debilitating tiredness and a big source of frustration ffor people with liver disease.
d)     Anorexia ( having no appetite)
Decreased appetic, known medically as anorexia ( wich is different from the eating disorder anorexia nervosa), is a common symptoms of acute hepatitis and chronic liver disease.
e)      Changes in your normal sense of smell and taste accompany anorexia ( for example, smokers sometimes develop a temporary distate for smoking)
f)       Unusual sensitivity to bright light (photo phobia)
g)      Nausea and vomiting ( these are very common symptoms)
h)      Diarrhea ( less common)
i)        Constipation (less common)
j)        Fever (usually low-grade and most common in hepatitis A and E)
k)     Upper-right abdominal pain (pain in the upper belly on the right side, usually mild and costant).

2.3              Complication of hepatitis
Hepatitis can progress to or be complicated by other disease. Some of these disease, like fibrosis and cirrhosis are very common. Fortunately, other complications like liver failure are usually prevented. There are teen kinds of possible complications related with hepatitis.
1.      Fibrosis
One of the most common complications of chronic hepatitis is fibrosis, wich  is a type of scarring of the liver. The liver is damaged by constant inflammation and creates the scar tissue to repair it self. The good news  that if fibrosis is controlled in time and limited to small part of the liver, the rest of the organ can wok harder and keep up with the liver’s functios.
2.      Chirrhosis of the Liver
Extensive fibrosis is called cirrhosis. Hepatitis C and alcoholic hepatitis are two very common causes of cirrhosis, though there are many others.
3.      Cancer of the liver
One of the complications of cirrhosis is liver cancer, wich is usually two tyeps. Hepatocellular carcinoma is a type of cancer that affect the liver cells. The other type is cholangiolar carcinoma, wich affect the bill ducts.
4.      Liver failure
It is a serious, but uncommon, complication of hepatitis,. The liver no longer function and this leads to the body shutting down and eventuaally death. There are many specific causes of liver failure, but general failure result when the liver is so damaged that it is unable to keep up with the body’s need.
5.      Glomerulonephritis
It is a complicated disorder of the kidneys caused by inflamation and is seen in chronic hepatitis B and hepatitis C infections.
6.      Cryoglobulinemin
Seen in chronic hepatitis B and hepatitis C infections, cryoglobulinemia is an uncommon disease caused by an abnormal cluster of kind protein that blocks small blood vessels leading to circulation problems.
7.      Hepatic Encephalopathy
Severe loss of liver function such as liver failure can lead to inflammation in the brain called encephalopaty. This causes mental problems, like confusion and can lead to coma. Advanced hepatic encephalopathy is a serious condition and is usually fatal.
8.      Portal Hypertension
One of the liver’s important jobs is to filter blood. However, cirrhosis and other problem can interfere with the liver’s portal circulation system. When this portal system is blocked, blood can’t return to the liver from the digestive system and pressure increases,, called portal hypertension. This is a serious complication and can be fatal.

9.      Porphyria
It iss a group of disease caused by problems processing important chemical in the body called porphyrins. One type called porphyria cutane tara, leads to bliestering of the hands and face and is a rare complication of chronic hepatitis C infection.
10.  Viral co-Infection
A challenging complication of hepatitis is the possibility of having two viral infections at the same time. Hepatitis doesn’t cause the second infection, but it does make it more difficult for the immune system to successfully attack. A common with co-infection with hepatitis is the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). Because of this, it is especially important for someone with hepatitis to take precautions against HIV infection.
2.4                    Preventing of Hepatitis Disease
Since hepatitis is caused by many different things. However, some basic strategis if followed will lower your risk of developing viral hepatitis.
a)      Vaccination
Currently, vacination is only available to protect againts hepatitis A and hepatitis B. These forms of hepatitis are caused by viral infections that can be prevented with safe and affordable vaccines. They are available for anyone interested, but are strongly recommended for people at high risk for exposure. At this time there is no vaccine for hepatitis C.
b)      Immune Globulin
Immune globulin also known as IG is a potent collection of purified antibodies that provides immediate protection to people recently exposed to hepatitis A or hepatitis B viruses or to people who may be  exposed (for example travelers to countries where infection rates are high). Because IG is an injection or already formed antibodies, the immune system is immediately able to start protecting the body. This is very different from a vaccine, because they require time to stimulate the body’s immune system to produce the desired antibodies. IG can also be given in combination with vaccine. This is an effective strategy because the IG offers immediate protection until the vaccine is able to provide preotection.

c)      Hand Wasing
In the modern age of advanced technology, we often forget that our single best protection againts many illnesses is regular and proper hand washing. The risk of hepatitis A infection is especially lowered by washing your hands because the hepatitis A virus spreads through the fecal-oral route. This means that the virus enterns the body through a person’s moouth with something that came into contact with the feces of an infected person. Because this is usually a person’s hands, regular hand washing interupts this infection cycle.
Sometimes hepatitis A can be spread by infected food handlers who don’t wash their hands well after using the toilet. These latter outbreaks quickly gain media atteneion because of the number of people exposed and the necessary public health intervention which usually consist of health education and maybe even IG clinics. Of course, the best prevention for these outbreaks is consistent hand washing for all food handlers.
d)     How to Properly Wash Your Hands
Handwashing is the single most important procedure for preventing the spread of biological contamination. Despitebthis fact many laboratory personnel don’t wash their hands properly. Here are some handwashing tips and procedures for your use.
1.      Consider the sink, including the faucet controls, contamined.
2.      Avoid touching the sink.
3.      Turn water on using a paper towel and then wet your hands and wrists.
4.      Work soap into a lather.
5.      Vigorously rub together all surfaces of the lathered hands for 15 seconds. Friction helps remove dirt and microorganisms. Wash around and under rings, around cuticles and under fingernails.
6.      Rinse hands thoroughly under a stream of water. Running water carries away dirt and debris. Point fingers down so water and contamination wont’t drip toward elbows.
7.      Dry hands compeletely with a clean dry paper towel.
8.      Use a dry paper towel to turn faucet off.
9.      To keep soap from becoming a breeding place for microorganisms, thoroughly clean soap dispensers before refilling with fresh soap.
10.  When handwashing facilities are not available at a remote work site, use an appropriate antiseptic hand cleaner or antiseptic towelettes. As soon as possible, rewash hands with soap and running water.
e)      Avoid Used Needles
Reusing needles is dangerous practise that tremendously increases the risks of developing other disease, you should not use other items like “ snorting straws” that can be contaminated with blood. Hepatitis B and hepatitis C are both caused by viruses that are spread by direct contact with infected blood or body fluids in such a way that the virusus can get inside your body. This can happen through a cut in your skin or a puncture with a needle. Because of this, people who use dirty needles are at a very high risk of infecting themselves with the viruses that cause hepatitis B and hepatitis C.
Anny needle-stick injury sould be promptly washed with soap and followed by professional medical attention.
f)       Safex Sex
It is possible for hepatitis B and hepatitis C to be spread by sexual contact with a person infected by those viruses. Using condoms properly and consistenly is one effective way to reduce your risk of infection. Maintaining a monogamous relationship (with a noninfected partner) is another effective way to avoid infection with these disease through sexual contact.
g)      How to Properly Put on a Condom
1.      Avoid sahring certain personal items
Anything potentially contaminated with blood can increase the risk of infection of hepatitis B and hepatitis C. However, it should be pointed out that casual contact does not spread hepatitis B or hepatitis C. For example, holding hands or hugging an infected person will not spread these viruses.
2.      Wear gloves when handling body fluids
Wearing gloves when handling body fluids like blood can reduce your risk of exposure to hepatitis B and hepatitis B and hepatitis C. If you work in an enviroment where you could even imagine the possibility of contacting blood (for example, a school), it’s a good idea to keep a pair of disposable, latex-free gloves nearby.
3.      Avoid contaminated water and food
Since the hepatitis A virus is spread through the fecal-oral route, infection can happen by eating foods and drinking water contaminated with infected feces. Unware travelers are infected in this way because this rarely happens in the US. This is most common in underdeveloped countries where public sanitation needs improvement and public water supplies are unprocted.
2.5                    Testing for Hepatitis
The many cause of hepatitis create many ways to test for the disease. Some blood test look for levels of enzymes and other proteins that may be disturbed when there is liver damage. Other blood test will look for evidence of specific viruses, levels of toxins such as alcohol or tylenol or evev makers of genetic diseases such as iron or alpha-1 anti trypsin.
Usually, the diagnosis of hepatitis is made using a combination of test. More advanced test might include using imaging technology such as ultrasound, computerized axial tomograpy (CT) scans or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).
a)      Sign and symptomps
In general, the doctor will ask questions about your symptomps such as what has bothered you, when you noticed it and how severe they have been. If they suspect hepatitis, he or she will ask specifically about flu-like or gastrointestinal symptoms. The doctor will then perform such as an enlarged liver or yellowing of your eyes or skin. After meeting with you, your doctor will probably test some of your blood  for any markers of liver dysfunction or inflammaatiion such as the liver enzymes.
b)      Liver enzymes
An enzymes is aprotein that assists in chemical reactions and there are lots of these proteins in the body that do different jobs. The liver uses some of these to help with is essential functions, such as building things up, breaking thing down and disposing of various waste products.
Normally the liver keeps  tight control of its enzymes, but when the liver is damaged, these enzymes can escape into the blood. The three most common enzymes doctors use to test for liver damage are alanine aminotransaminase (ALT), asparate aminotransferase (AST) and gamma glutamyl transaminase (GGT). While liver enzymes can tell if there is liver danmage, they can’t tell the cause of damage.
c)      Antibody test
The body’s immune system makes antibodies and they are specific to a particular virus. As soon as the body dtermines a viral infection, it starts producing IgM antibodies wich target that specific virus. Later at the end of infection the body produce another type of antibody calleg IgG. This too, is specific to the virus but it provides future immunity. Doctors can test the blood for IgM ang IgG antibodies specific to hepatitis A or hepatitis B. For hepatitis C, the principle is the same but physicians test for different antibodies.
d)     Direct viral meassures
Once antibodies point to evidence of viral hepatitis, useful PCR tests for HBV and HCV can be sent which are direct measures of the amount of virus in the blood.
e)      Advanced tests
Usually, the diagnosis of hepatitis is made using a combination of test. More advanced test might include using imaging technology such as ultrasound, computerized axial tomograpy (CT) scans or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) or a liver biopsy, where a doctor removes a small piece of the liver and sends it to a laboratory for further testing.
2.6              Breastfeeding and Viral Hepatitis
A common concern among mothers with viral hepatitis is if they should breastfeed their babies. Physicians and scientists agree that it’s safe for a mother infected with viral hepatitis to breastfeed her baby. There are some specific viruses that cause hepatitis.
1.      Hepatitis A and Hepatitis E
Hepatitis A (HAV) is spread mainly through the fecal-oral route, wich means that in practice, it’s spread through person to person contact and ingesting contaminated food or water. Because active virus is in the stool of someone infected, good hygiene such as proper handwashing is essential to prevent its spread. Contact with other body fluids are not high risk ways to be exposed to hepatitis A. In fact, HAV hasn’t been found in human breast milk.
If the mother has been exposed to HAV, she could safely take immune globulin (IG), wich is purified antibodies that can protect her from developing the disease. For mothers already infected with HAV, some physicians recommend giving IG to the newborn if the mother’s symptomps began between two weeks before delivery and one week after delivery. This is usually unnecessary because HAV perinatal transmission and severe disease in most infants is rare.
Hepatitis E is similar to hepatitis A in how it is spread. For pregnant women, hepatitis E can be challenging because 20 % of them will developed fulminant hepatitis. However, it’s still considered safe for mothers with hepatitis E to breastfeed their infants.
2.      Hepatitis B and Hepaititis D
Hepatitis B virus (HBV) is spread by contact with infected blood, usually by sharing contamined needles or having sex with an infected person. The virus can be found in many body fluids, but is only at infectious levels in blood, semen and saliva. Another way HBV spreads is from the mother to the infant during birth. However, studies show that infants aren’t infected through breast milk and mothers infected with hepatitis B virus are still able to breastfeed. Since HBV is spread by contact with infected blood, mothers who have hepatitis B should avoid letting their baby nurse from cracked and bleeding nipples.
Mothers infected with hepatitis B should vaccinate their infants with the hepatitis B vaccine along with hepatitis B IG within 12 hours of the baby’s birth. Hepatitis B vaccine requires three doses, one at birth, the second in two months, and the third in six months.
Hepatitis D requires current infection with hepatitis B and spreads through contact with infected blood in similar ways to HBV. Transmission from the mother to the infant is uncommon. As with HBV infection, mothers with HDV can still breastfeed their newborns. Routine immunizazion of all babies at birth for HBV prevents infection from HDV.

3.      Hepatitis C
Hepatitis C virus (HCV) is spreading through contact with infected blood, as hepatitis B.about 1 % to 2% of pregnant women are estimated to have hepatitis C and the risk of spreading hepatitis C to the baby averages about 5%. It’s interesting that about the same number of bottlefed babies get hepatitis C as breastfeed babies. For this reason and the fact that there is no evidence that breastfeeding spreads HCV, women with hepatitis C can breastfeed their babies.
It’s important to know that if a pregnant woman is co-infected with HIV and HCV, there is an increased risk of spreading HCV to the newborn and that she should not breastfeed her baby.

2.7       The Basics Of Hepatitis Treatment
With hepatitis, there is no single medicine. Treatment is specific to its cause, which means that your physician will choose the best therapy for you based on your diagnosis. In the case of viral hepatitis, some viruses do respond to antiviral treatment. In certain acute cases, no drug is needed. Getting the proper treatment is important because yiur faster your hepatitis is under control, the better your liver will be.
A.        Rest, Rest And More Rest
Some types of hepatitis, such as acute viral forms like hepatitis A and sometimes hepatitis B are self-limited diseases which means that your body’s immune system will eventually be able to destroy the viruses that causes in disease. Medicine is rarely necessary to treat self-limited types of hepatitis, except for supportive therapies like controlling nausea or aches and pains. However, many people rest and give their progress to chronic problems, so after a few weeks, you will feel better and be able to go back to normal activities.

B.        Interferon
Interferon is a protein made by the body’s immune system that combats viruses. Its anti-viral properties make it  a powerful weapon against viral hepatitis B and C. drug scientistshave studied this protein and developed a synthetic form that is also called interferon, but is sold under different names like Intron, Roferonand Infergen. Synthetic interferon works similar to the natural proteins and doctors us ethis powerful therapy to help control the levels of hepatitis virus in the body. Unfortunately, this treatment is expensive and has significant side effects.
C.        Other Antiviral Drugs
Doctors often combine different antiviral drugs to better combat the virus. For example, interferon treatment may often be combined with other antiviral drugs like Lamivudine in the case of hepatitis B infection or Ribavirin for people with hepatitis C infection. The drug combinations have a stronger therapeutic effect than a singular drug on its own. Similar to interferon, the side effects can be severe. However, the costs of combination therapy are relatively reasonable.
D.        Liver Transplantation
Sometimes hepatitis has developd into such a serious disease that a liver transplant is the only treatment left. This is a complex surgical procedure that involvesreplacing a failing liver with a donor liver. Thousands of these operations are done every year but because there are many risk involved, it is a treatment of last resort.
E.        New Treatment
The future is bright for some types of hepatitis because scientist are working to improve existing treatments and develop new ones like antiviral drugs that more efficiently prevent viral replication in liver cells. In addition, new therapies are taking advantage of the explosion of knowledge in genetic engineering. Treatments using this technology could revolutionize hepatitis therapy.

2.8       Alternative Therapies
a. Information About Milk Thistle
What is mik thistle:
Milk thistle is a plant that grows in many parts of the united states, south america and Europe (where it’s from originally). In some places, it’s considered a weed, and in other places it’s eaten; however, milk thistle is most well known as a medicinal remedy.
What does milk thistle look like ?
The plant has a stout stem with many spines, and wide leaves with white blotches and white veins. It grows up 10 feet high (about two meters) and blooms.
2.9       The Hepatitis Community
Finding a support group
Support groups can be excellent sources of information and encouragement, which are two crucial things you need to live well with chronic hepatitis. Whether you are newly diagnosed or are newly relapsed, finding and participating in a support group should be one of your first priorities. Here are five places you should check out if you’re looking for a group to join.
1.      Internet
The internet is a rich source of support groups. These virtual communities, called forums, are filled with people who live with alltypes of hepatitis and are at various stages of infection. Joining an internet forum is an easy way to get advice from real people living with the same disease as you.
2.      Hospital Or Medical Center
Medical centers are valuable resources for hepatitis patients. The collaborations from many health care professionals usually brings tremendous opportunities such as variety of patient education programs and support groups. Most medical centers have websites that list their available support groups and patient events, along with a contact name and the meeting time and date. Two good examples are duke university health system, located throughout north Carolina and the southeast, and the darthmouth-hitchcock medical center, serving new Hampshire, Vermont and other nearby areas.
3.      Community Center
Community centers are public places that provide various services (usually recreational and educational) to members of a city or town. Usually these are stand-alone buildings, but sometimes threy are part of other public places like local libraries. Many of them will offer meeting space for support groups, such as the bayland community center in Houston, texas. To find out if your town has a community center, check with your library or city office.
4.      Physician Practice Or Doctor’s Office
Gastroenterologist, infectious disease physicians and certainly, hepatologist, are excellent sources of information about support groups. These are physician specialist who daily work with hepatitis patients and often have information about the closest support meetings.
5.      Nonprofit Organization Or Foundation
One of the best places to get information about support groups is from liver or hepatitis organizations, such as the American liver foundation. The websites of these organizations usually have a comprehensive listing of support groups and are organized by state or by region.
6.      Keep Your Medications On Schedule
Medications are a fact of life for many people with chronic hepatitis or other liver disease. Just because the holiday season is here doesn’t mean you can take a break. Treatments work by providing a specific amount of drug to your body over a period of time. When you change this, it can interfere with how the body responds to it. Make sure you keep taking your medications at the appropriate times unless you change this with your physician. Even though you may have no trouble remembering to take your medications correctly normally, the holidys can be a huge distraction for many. Make sure you’re not one of them.

3.1                             Conclusion
Hepatitis A disease
            People are usually exposed to hepatitis A by eating or drinking something contaminated with the virus. The infection is usually self-limited and may have a different effect on different people. Children may have no symptoms where as adults may have severe symptoms and be sick for up to two months. After the infection, people are immune from getting the disease again. When someone is sick with hepatitis A, the person will pass the virus along in his or her stools. In developing countries with poor sanitation systems, infected stools can contaminate an entire water supply. Hepatitis A is most often spread by people who are infected with the virus, but don’t wash their hands well after going to the toilet.
            God hygiene  and avoiding contaminated food and water is great defense, but the best protection is to get hepatitis A vaccine, wich is especially recommended prior to traveling to places without a secure water supply.

Hepatitis B Disease
            Hepatitis B disease is blood borne disease that usually spread several ways, through sexual contact, from a mother to her baby during childbirth or through any direct contact with infected blood. As an acute disease, hepatitis B will go away in several months, but many people will become chronically infected, which increases the risk of developing other diseases. Two of the more serious disease are chirrhosis and liver cancer. Chronic hepatitis B is treated with a combination of antiviral mediacation. The best strategy is to avoid infection in the first place by getting the hepatitis B vaccine.

Hepatitis C Disease
            Hepatitis C is a blood borne disease that is spread through direct blood to blood contact. At least half of all new cases of hepatitis C are spread through sharing illicit drug needles or works. Hepatitis C can be spread by sexual contact but this is very rare. There is no vaccine for hepatitis C yet, so it is important to reduce the risk of infection by not coming into contact with infected blood and following simple rules of prevention. Through hepatitis C starts as an acute infection and may only last for a couple of months, most people will go on to have a chronic infection. This requires treatment with a combination of antiviral medications.

Hepatitis D Disease
            Hepatitis D is a unique virus that can only infect someone already infected with hepatitis B. For this reason, being vaccinated with hepatitis B vaccine will also protect against hepatitis D infection. It is a blood borne virus and will develop either as a co-anfection with hepatitis B, or a super infection of hepatitis B. Either way, it will be treated along with the hepatitis B infection.

Hepatitis E Disease
            Essentially, hepatitis E is very similar to hepatitis A in the way it’s spread and the type of disease it causes. However it is often more severe and can have more serious out comes in pregnant women and their babies. Hepatitis E is very common in many developing countries, and can spread to developed countries through normal travel and immigration. There is no vaccine available yet, but avoiding contaminated food and water and practicing frequent handwashing are excellent ways to prevent infection. It is not spread from person to person.

3.2 Suggestion
            Since hepatitis is caused by many different things, it’s challenging to write about preventing all types of hepatitis in one article. However some basic strategis, if followed will lower your risk of developing viral hepatitis. Vaccination, immune globulin, handwashing, how to properly wash your hands, avoid used needles, safer sex, how to properly put on a condom.

